SSJ Mom’s Bible Study is for all Cathedral moms looking for prayer, Sunday Scripture study, and fellowship. All women are welcome! We meet on Tuesday mornings, August 20th 8 AM - 9:30 AM during the school year in St. Bridget’s room to study the upcoming Sunday readings.
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.
For more information contact Rosie at [email protected] or Erica at 602.242.1300 ext. 160.
An evening group for all women who want to pray and experience community using devotionals written by the Catholic Women's Ministry, Blessed Is She. Wednesday evenings at 7PM - 8:30PM, beginning Aug 28th, in the Teacher’s Lounge, beginning in the Fall. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Dozman at [email protected]
Yearly Seasonal Saturday Retreat. Date to be announced for Lent 2025. Watch SSJ Communications for details.