Parish Advisory councils are a way of engaging the lay faithful to assist the parish priests in identifying areas of pastoral concern. By virtue of baptism, the Christian faithful are charged with “bringing the Gospel into the life of the world.” The Catholic parish, guided by the shepherds of the Church, exists to sanctify and form the Christian faithful to carry out this missionary task.
However, the times in which we live have been characterized by a great deal of social upheaval and transition. The lay faithful are indispensable in assisting the parish priests in their tasks to form and shepherd the Catholic community. The Parish Advisory Council is a means to assist our priests in their tasks to teach, sanctify and shepherd the Christian faithful. The Council does this principally by reviewing pastoral activity within the life of the parish, animating the life of the parish for the good of our faithful, making proposals and advising the Rector on matters of pastoral concern.
Ss. Simon & Jude Parish Advisory Council
Robert Barr - President
Cathy Chrisman -Vice President
Roger Downey - Member at Large
Crystal Aguilar
Jesus Love
Erik Rasmussen
Pete Groft
Leon Alba
Ex officio:
Mr. Phil Lester, Cathedral Administration